Past District Meetings
This site, along with the membership magazine Texas Fur Trails, will serve to announce district meeting so that trappers and fur hunters can make plans to attend meetings in their area.
Area meetings will serve to strengthen TTFHA at a local area as the district membership overview, discuss, and strategize about important topics that apply to the state as a whole and
their region of Texas in particular.
District Meeting March 16, 2019
On March 16 District 3 & 4 held a meeting at the home of District 3, Keith Jackson, in Alto tx. The meeting was well attended by trappers from....
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Earle Blakney, District Two Director announces a District 2 meeting
Date: Saturday, May 20, 2017
Location: 527 Pecan Drive Irving, Texas 75061
Time: 10:00am until 3:00 pm
We will have several demos including Alexandria Hahn doing hog trapping and snaring, Earle Blakney doing fur handling, Jim Brooks doing coyote trapping and bobcat trapping and David
Simpson doing beaver trapping.
We will have a lunch, I will provide the meat and will do a pot luck for the sides and dessert.
A short membership meeting will be held, there are many changes going on in the TTFHA so we will discuss them.
We will also hold a raffle. Anyone wanting to donate an item for the raffle please contact: Earle Blakney.
If you have trapping related items to sell or trade feel free to bring them.
I will be happy for any trapper in any District to attend this event. Please RSVP with Earle at 817-559-3281 or so I can get a head count.
Look forward to seeing everyone here, Earle.
Directions: from Highway 183 take Macarthur exit south about three miles to Pioneer drive (third traffic light), turn East two blocks to Pecan Drive, turn South. We are on the SW corner.
From IH 30: exit MacArthur North about four miles to East Pioneer drive East two blocks to Pecan Drive, turn South. We are on the SW corner.
We had an awesome time with a turn out of 19 people. Personally I think having a group this size worked very well as during the demos every question could be asked and information swapped.
Our district raffle was successful and our meal was a great success with Troy Warren and Shawn Stokes cooking. Gloria Applegate handled the sign in, raffle sales, and child care.
We had a meeting during the lunch in which I thanked everyone, informed them about the spring convention to be held in Jacksonville in April. I told those in attendence to be on the lookout
for the new bylaws. I also read the email Mark June forwarded to board members from Frank Barton, NM trapping association president about how New Mexico trapping is under attack and I encouraged
them to reach out to our trapping brothers to the west and see how we might help.
Every donation received a certificate of appreciation as did all of our gentlemen that did demos. Thank you to all who helped and especially to all who attended!
- Hollee Applegate-Warren District 6 Director
The first ever District 1 meeting was a big success. The weather was a little cool and breezy but everyone was able to get down in the breaks to do all of the trapping demos.
We started off with a meet a greet where John Dea handed out name tags. The sign in area had membership applications and the new association brochures available.
Followed the meet and greet there was a great coyote skinning demo by Roy Finley who shared a very interesting and beneficial approach to skin coyotes.
Roy Finley
We then had a demonstration by Jeff Jones who showed everyone how he makes a flat set for coyotes.
Duwain Vinson (fur buyer) talked and showed his method on snaring.
Lunch was provided for attendees and after lunch Jim Vaught gave an outstanding and very informative presentation on the dispersal, location, habitat and trapping of Mountain lions.
After the demonstrations, District Director Jay Krottinger led a TTFHA business discussion. Twenty attended the gathering, a significant number in a district of twenty-four members! Overall, there was a sharing of trapping knowledge by some very skilled trappers and we'd like to thank those who gave demonstrations. The trappers who attended the first ever District #1 wholeheartedly agreed that they'd like to see the district have another meeting in the future!
District 3 Director Don Hightower wondered if a district meeting the first part of December would be of interest to members in his district, but as it turned out, he had nothing to worry
about as 42 people attended a very successful gathering of trappers!
During the meeting, TTFHA business was overviewed and discussed and input was sought from all those attending. In addition, James Gallaspy from R&P Outdoors summarized the current fur market and what trappers should expect to receive for pelts this year. All in all, trappers who attended saw that meetings at a local level are an excellent way to meet fellow trappers, discuss relevant trapping issues, and enjoy the afternoon with like minded sportsmen. Here are several photos from the event.
The Annual District 5 meeting was held on Dec. 10th in Castroville, TX. Director Robin Wheelus discussed district business updates: TTFHA new 501(c)3 Non-Profit Educational based status,
new on-line scholarship application & upcoming deadline, Spring Rendezvous location & dates, and upcoming educational opportunities requiring volunteers. President Mark June gave
a brief update on the TTFHA Bylaws Committee work.
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