Our Featured Sponsor for February 2025
From the initial gathering of dedicated trappers that
started the Texas Trappers & Fur Hunters Association in 1980, the TTFHA has grown into the premier organization representing
trappers and fur hunters in the Lone Star state today.
We're proud to say that we work alongside state and federal agencies as well as private citizens to conserve Texas wildlife though
sound wildlife management practices.
Key alliances with Texas Parks and Wildlife, fellow sportsmen's groups, and governmental agencies assure that trapping and fur hunting
is well represented at every level by the men and women of the TTHFA.
The Texas Trappers and Fur Hunters Association is a non-profit 501(c)3 education based organization dedicated to the following objectives:
- EDUCATE the public on the consumptive use of wildlife as a necessary and proper tool of wildlife management.
- SUPPORT & PROMOTE comprehensive educational programs based upon scientific study of the wise use and conservation of Texas wildlife.
- EDUCATE trappers in the proper harvesting and management of furbearing animals.
- ADVOCATE for scientifically based wildlife legislation.
- SUPPORT wildlife education through funding and scholarships.
YES....I want to join the TTFHA - Membership Info
YES....Use my tax deductible donation for the wise use
& conservation of Texas
wildlife! - Support Your Association
Our October 2024 Fall Rendezvous was GREAT! Make plans to join us for our 2025 Spring Rendezvous April 25th & 26th in Childress - Read More...
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